decimal numbers may be broken up into two groups, depending on how many digits
are present after the decimal point:
As with decimals: A pair of decimal numbers is said to be
"like" one another if they both have the same number of digits
following the decimal point. In this sense, decimals like 6.34 and 2.67 are
equivalent since they both contain two digits following the decimal point.
In contrast to decimals If the amount of digits following the
decimal point in two integers is different, we say that the numbers are
"unlike" decimals. The numbers 5.3 and 6.873 are dissimilar because
they contain different numbers of digits after the decimal point.
Decimal is the name used to designate the most prevalent number
system, the base-10 system. 10 distinct numbers make up the decimal system: 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Ten is the digit that follows "9."
It's obvious that 20 comes after 19 and so on. For greater powers of 10, you
must add another positional digit.
In computing, the decimal number system is sometimes replaced by
another, such as binary, octal, or hexadecimal. The number of digits in each of
these systems is a power of 2. This is useful for systems that use binary
states of high and low digital intensity. You'll likely need to calculate a
fraction of a number at some point in your life, whether you're a student
completing schoolwork, a cook perfecting a recipe, a wedding planner outlining
a budget, or simply a regular person going about your day. A few basic words
will be defined, the process for determining a fraction of any given number
such as 1.5 as a fraction will be explained, and several practice problems will be shown.
Ready? Come on, then!
Relevant Concepts
Fraction: In
mathematics, a fraction represents a subset of the entire. Take pizza as an
example; if there are 10 slices in a pie and you eat three, you will have
consumed 3/10 of the pizza. A third of a complete pizza is equal to a tenth of
that pizza, or 3/10 Same you can do with 1.5 as a fraction
Numerator: The
number that comes before the line in a fraction is called the numerator. The
number 3 is the numerator of the fraction 3/10 in the preceding example.
A fraction's denominator is the figure written below (or beyond)
the fraction line. The denominator of the fraction 3/10 shown above is 10.
Calculating a Fraction of a Number like 1.5
as a fraction
Calculating a fraction of a number is as simple as dividing the
original number by the fraction's denominator and multiplying the resulting
number by the fraction's numerator.
To determine 3/8 of 24, for example, we might divide 24 by 8. (the
denominator of the fraction).
24 ÷ 8 = 3
Now, let's increase this number by 1. (the numerator of the
3 x 3 = 9
The answer, therefore, is 9.
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